The Green Rose
Glimmer: Short Fictions
Table for Four
Coda: Fluttertongue 7
Emanations: Fluttertongue 6
Fluttertongue 5: Everything Appears to Shine with Mossy Splendour.
Fluttertongue 4: Adagio for the Pressured Surround
Short-listed, Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry, 2007
Celebrating Saskatchewan Artists
Fluttertongue 3: Disarray
Winner, Book of the Year Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards, 2005
Award Sponsored by The Co-Operators
Fluttertongue 4: Adagio for the Pressured Surround
Short-listed, Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry, 2007
Celebrating Saskatchewan Artists
Fluttertongue 2: The Book of Emmett
The Book of Games: Fluttertongue 1
Ballet of the Speech Organs:
Bob Cobbing on Bob Cobbing
Underwhich Editions, 1998
Reading My Father’s Book
Transient Light
Sleepwalkers. A collaboration with Richard Truhlar
Underwhich Editions, 1987
Blind Zone
Ritual Murders
Pliny’s Knickers
Winner, bpNichol Chapbook Award, 2006. Given by the Phoenix Community Works Foundation, www.pcwf.ca